
Why You Don't Mix Antidepressants and Alcohol

One of the best ways to overcome depression is by taking Antidepressant Pills. These pills help in overcoming the symptoms associated with depression. Your doctor will always tell you that you should never ever mix antidepressants and alcohol. One of the most important reasons for this is that they both act on brain chemicals. The alcohol will interfere with the medicine and the antidepressants will increase the effect of alcohol. Always keep in mind that drinking alcohol can make your medicine for depression ineffective and the anxiety and other symptoms will increase. Alcohol will lower certain chemicals in your brain and can cause a depression disorder. Too much alcohol will not only cause depression but it will also result in other illnesses like heart disease etc. On the other hand, it has been found that prolonged use of certain antidepressants can also cause side effects like drowsiness, can affect the motor functions etc. Certain antidepressants are also known to resu...

Discover The Benefits Of Herbal Antidepressants.

People suffering from depression have to take antidepressant pills in order to get rid of the symptoms of depression. But one of the worst things about these prescription pills is that they cause a large number of side effects which can have a detrimental effect on the health of the patient. These antidepressants can cause a number of undesirable effects even if they are stopped all of sudden. They cause withdrawal symptoms which can be pretty difficult to manage. Opt For Herbal Antidepressants: This is one of the reasons that people want to avoid prescription based medicine for depression. But now there is a safe way of dealing with depression. Patients can opt for herbal antidepressants which do not have any undesirable effects like a headache, weight gain etc. Some of the best examples of herbal antidepressants are passion flower and St John’s wort ( this is a shrub that grows in Europe). An antidepressant medicine which has extracts of these herbs is used by many people t...

Beating Depression Without Antidepressants

One of the first things that a doctor will do when you complain about depression is that he will put you on Antidepressant Pills . In many patients, these pills are found to have a number of undesirable effects as they have chemicals which can adversely affect your body. There are also chances that the person may get addicted to the medicine and may become totally dependent on the drug. There are also chances that some medicines which act as mood enhancers may produce too much of certain chemicals in the brain, that the brain may feel that it need not form any of these chemicals. Instead of getting addicted to medicine for depression the patient must try out ways and means of dealing with the problem and overcome the problem. The patient must first try to analyze and find out the cause of the problem. He must also try and understand the factors or situations that trigger the depression. Next, the patient needs to make changes in his diet. He must opt for a diet that will help in...

Is Your Antidepressant Causing You to Gain Weight?

Most people who suffer from depression need to opt for Medicine For Depression . The obvious choice is an antidepressant which will help in reducing the symptoms of depression. One must remember that doctors will normally prescribe antidepressants along with some other therapies which will help in controlling the symptoms of depression. One of the negative factors about some of these Antidepressant Pills is that they have a number of side effects. These side effects include nausea, headache etc. One of the worst side effects that some of these pills can have is weight gain. Now gaining extra pounds when you are already depressed can make things worse. It will lower the self-esteem of the patient. Agreed that when you are depressed your priority is to come out of depression and not bother about weight gain. But obviously, a depressed person would not like to look at a plum reflection in the mirror as it will only put you into more depression. You may wonder then how to c...

What Is Antidepressant Medication Research And Where Is It Heading?

Antidepressants are one of the best ways of overcoming symptoms associated with depression. However one of the major concerns is the side effects that these medicines have. Research in the case of Antidepressant Pills mainly focuses on the side effects that these medicines have on the human body. Research is also been carried out to find out which antidepressants are the best ones. It is a known fact that the patient’s body produces resistance to the action of the Medicine For Depression and this results in side effects. Research on these medicines has also found that these medicines take several days to show their effect. This is because our body needs that much time to adapt to these medicines. Research is also being carried out to determine how these medicines can have long term effects on the human body. Efforts are also being made to find out how to tackle the side effects of these medicines. If it becomes possible to find out how these medicines function when they enter th...

The Depressing Truth You Need To Know About Antidepressants.

People suffering from depression are prescribed Antidepressant Pills. However, one thing which needs to be kept in mind is that these pills can have several side effects. Some of the negative effects of these medicines can be seen as soon as you start the medicine while some will occur late in life. These medicines are also found to increase the suicidal thoughts in patients especially teenagers. This is one of the reasons that some medicines are not prescribed to children. It has been found that the medicine for depression can sometimes increase the symptoms instead of decreasing them. It has been found that these people can behave irrationally and can indulge in behavior which is not normal. In some cases, they may increase the tendency of the person to attempt suicide. It is therefore important that these medicines have labels with warnings. Warnings like these medicines can increase the symptoms and can also increase the suicidal thoughts needs to be mentioned clearly on the ...

How Antidepressants Help In Fighting Against Depression?

Depression is a condition in which the person is low in self-confidence and feels everything is going against him. It is something which will make the person feel down and lost. It is a state of mind which brings in a lot of negativity and can have detrimental effect on one’s personal and professional life. The causes for depression can be biological changes in the body or psychological changes like failure in relationship or social issues like poverty etc. A person suffering from depression will not be happy. He will always want to be in isolation and will have low self-esteem. But modern  Antidepressant Pills can help you in overcoming depression. The reason that many doctors prescribe antidepressants is that it improves the mood of the person and also helps in improving sleep and appetite. The five types of Medicine For Depression are NASSAs (Noradrenaline and Specific Serotoninergic Antidepressant, SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), MAOIs (Monoamine oxidase...