Depression is a treatable mental illness experienced by approximately 9% of Americans at any given time, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Depression can be experienced at any stage of life and similarity in depression symptoms and statistics have been found across countries like the U.S., Canada, Japan, Iran and Switzerland. Depression in women is diagnosed significantly more frequently than in men.1 (See: Depression in Men: Understanding Male Depression)

While major depressive disorder is the most common, other types of depression also exist based on additional specific symptoms. Clinical depression classifications include:

Major depressive disorder (MDD) – a period of two or more weeks in a depressed (low or sad) mood episode

Depression with melancholic features – depression, as above, but with additional symptoms like waking up two hours earlier than usual. Depression that is worse in the morning. Feeling excessive guilt.

Depression with catatonic features – depression, as above, but with additional symptoms like extreme negativism or mutism, motor immobility and uncontrollable repetition of words spoken by another
Atypical depression – depression that includes symptoms like an increased need for sleep, increased appetite, weight gain and feelings of heaviness in the arms or legs (see: What is Atypical Depression? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – depressions that occur corresponding to a season, generally the winter, in the last two years or more; often atypical depression (see: What is Seasonal Depression Disorder? Symptoms, Treatment)

Postpartum depression – major depression immediately following childbirth (see: What is Postpartum Depression (PPD), Postnatal Depression?)

Depressive disorder not otherwise specified (NOS) – depression identified by a clinician but of a type that does not explicitly fit into a defined category

Major depressive disorder is most commonly referred to as simply "depression." Depression is also often termed "unipolar depression" to differentiate it from bipolar depression. Bipolar depression has the same symptoms as unipolar depression during a depressive episode, but bipolar disorder also contains manic or hypomanic episodes.

Doctors recommend some Antidepressants Pills to the patients suffering from Depression. The treatment of Depression & Anxiety may also comprise consuming certain medication like Deprotal N by Dr, Bhargava which Helps in conditions of mild to moderate depressionTension, Nervousness, Stress, Anxiety, Mood swings, Irritability, Exhaustion due to excessive mental or physical work.

Deprotal-N: Battle the stress you handle every day!It does not have any side effects and the dosage is also easy to manage.


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